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Privacy policy
Management commitment
fiverbox.com reserves the obligation not to disclose any personal information about the user, such as email address, telephone number or otherwise, and will not be sold to any third party depending on possible site management capabilities. Only top level officials are allowed access to important location information when needed.

Legal responsibility
By using the Site, the user acknowledges that he is solely responsible for using this Site, and the management of the site is not fully responsible for any losses, damages, expenses incurred by the user or any other party.

Information Security
The user assumes full responsibility for all information contained in the site or published through the site.
You must return to the administration if the user wants to delete his or her entire account or change it, etc. Otherwise the account can not be deleted or changed.

User commitment
- User shall not agree or communicate with any seller or buyer outside of the site, in order to ensure full delivery of the service and ensure receipt of the amount of this service, otherwise the user will expose his account for the prohibition and loss of all the current balance on the site.
- The user is bound by all the Term of use of this Site.
- The violation of intellectual property rights or the abuse of any user, visitor or any party or the causing of deliberate damage to them and so on is prohibited, and the user alone is fully responsible for everything provided through his account on the site.

Some of the pages of the site are not displayed until registration and after submitting the required information during registration. The user acknowledges upon registration that the information provided is complete and correct, and is committed not to attempt to enter another username and is committed not to repeat registration for more than one account, otherwise all the registered accounts will be permanently blocked.

Content censorship
The Site Administration reserves the right to monitor any data or content entered by the user and reserves the right to delete any material that violates the terms and conditions of the site without informing the user.

Local, foreign, and international copyright laws and international treaties protect all content on this site. By subscribing to it, the user implicitly and expressly agrees to be bound by all copyright notices on the pages.

Users are advised to review the site's privacy policy and privacy periodically because they are subject to change and development

Users are advised to review the Site's privacy policy each period, because they are ready for changes and developments.
To inquire about any of Site's privacy policy, please contact us via email: info@fiverbox.com

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